If you add 'this' when you eat ramen, what's the health effect?
If you add 'this' when you eat ramen, what's the health effect?

Fantastic food to eat with ramen
Recipe for putting Greek yogurt in ramen is popular overseas. It may seem unfamiliar, but similarly, in Korea, a recipe for adding milk to ramen has become widely known. Plenty of potassium in milk and dairy products helps the sodium in ramen to be released out of the body well. In addition, in terms of nutrition, Greek yogurt is better than milk.

Nutrients of Greek yogurt
Greek yogurt is more nutritious than milk or regular yogurt. Greek yogurt is concentrated until the amount of milk is halved and then fermented. 200ml of milk is needed to make 100ml of Greek yogurt.
Therefore, there are more major nutrients such as protein and lactobacillus. According to USDA data, 100g of Greek yogurt contained 10.2g of protein, and 100g of milk contained 3.08g of protein, according to the Food and Drug Administration's Food and Nutrition Database. If one gram of regular fermented milk contained about 100 million lactobacillus, one gram of Greek yogurt cost more than 1.8 billion.

Effects of Greek yogurt and its use method
Greek yogurt has a high protein content, so you can feel full quickly when you eat it. Eating a lot of protein increases the levels of GLP-1, a hormone that increases satiety, and the levels of ghrelin, a hormone that increases appetite, on the contrary, decrease. Whenever you drink milk, people with intestinal discomfort can eat Greek yogurt. The reason why my stomach hurts because of milk is when I have an upset stomach because I can't digest lactose in milk. In Greek yogurt, lactose is mostly removed during the manufacturing process.
However, Greek yogurt has a high fat content, which is higher in calories than milk or regular yogurt. Regular yogurt is 60 kcal per 100g and milk is 65 kcal per 100g, but Greek yogurt is 90 kcal per 100g. Fat is slowly digested, and only begins to be absorbed into the body when it reaches the small intestine. This means that the rate of fat in Greek yogurt entering the body and accumulating as body fat is not that large. However, if you eat too much, fatty acids can adversely affect your blood vessels, increasing your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, so you need to be careful.