2023! best combination! tteokbokki and kimbap


2023! best combination! tteokbokki and kimbap


yopokki best combination tteokbokki and kimbap Halal hot spicy tteokbokki Korean street snack



introduce a delicious duo that goes very well with traditional Korean tteokbokki. Korean Tteokbokki is famous for its perfect combination of unique sweet and spicy sauce and chewy rice cake.
I would like to introduce another Korean food that goes really well with tteokbokki. It's kimbap! Do you know kimbap?
From now on, we will introduce the fantastic combination and recipe. Anyone can easily follow along, so look forward to it!


yopokki best combination tteokbokki and kimbap Halal hot spicy tteokbokki Korean street snack


It's simple to recipe. The ingredients to be used today are kimbap along with yopokki's halal spicy tteokbokki pack.
Gimbap is a Korean snack and street food made with various ingredients such as seaweed and rice, eggs, potatoes, ham, and pickled radish.


 1. Halal spicy tteokbokki recipe

Put rice cake and powdered sauce in a container, pour water and microwave for 2 minutes 30 seconds. Remove from microwave, cover and wait for 30 seconds. The texture of the rice cake is doubled.


2. How to make Korean Kimbap

Kimbap is a popular Korean dish made with rice, vegetables, and meat wrapped in seaweed. It is a delicious and easy-to-make meal that can be enjoyed for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.


1 bowl of rice, 1 tablespoon sesame oil, 1/4 teaspoon salt, 1 thinly sliced ​​carrot, 1 egg, 1 piece of ham, 1 piece of seaweed

In a bowl, combine the rice, sesame oil, soy sauce, sugar, and salt. Mix well.
On a flat surface, lay out a sheet of dried seaweed.
Spread a thin layer of rice over the seaweed, leaving about 1 inch of space at the top and bottom.
Place the carrot, egg, and ham on top of the rice.
Starting at the bottom, roll the seaweed tightly.
Cut the roll into bite-sized pieces.


To make the rice easier to roll, let it cool completely before adding the vegetables and meat.
If you find it difficult to roll the seaweed, wet your hands with a little water.
You can add your favorite vegetables and meat to the kimbap. Some popular options include kimchi, tuna, and cheese.




yopokki best combination tteokbokki and kimbap Halal hot spicy tteokbokki Korean street snack



Enjoy a delicious tteokbokki kimbap duo with spicy halal tteokbokki sauce and homemade or prepared kimbap! The spicy sauce goes well with the savory and colorful taste of kimbap, making it a perfect match. I think it will be an even richer meal because there is kimbap to balance out the spiciness. I hope you enjoy your recipes!













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